Rooted in discovering how you and your team best work, seeing how individuals fit together, and helping people bring one’s whole self to the table. We have the passion to see it all come to fruition for ALL teams : Team You, Team Family/Friends, Team Work, Team Organization and Team Community.

alt text Masi, founder and people lover, is a Certified Coach with extensive experience across many disciplines and fields. From insurance to live experiences, ministry and non-profit consulting, as well as multimillion-dollar clients, Masi can see the bigger vision and simultaneously develop people & the necessary processes to transform the concept into a reality.

As a multi-dimensional leader of people and organizations, Masi has built the team to ensure your vision becomes reality. The Mason Effect specializes in building synergistic teams and creating much-needed infrastructure for small or large-scale clients. With an intentional strategic focus on individual and group coaching, we can activate and empower a team to do their jobs well while cultivating an ecosystem that enhances the team's motivation and productivity. This is accomplished by discerning the individual contributors' natural gifts and placing them in conditions favorable to do their best work. We identify the inherent talents within others and harmonize those talents within the scope of the immediate and long-term needs of the organization and the individual.


ef·fect /əˈfek(t)/


  1. A distinctive impression.

  2. The quality or state of being operative.

  3. Power to bring about a result.


  1. To cause to come into being

  2. To bring about, often by surmounting obstacles

  3. To put into operation.