My first real job found me following in the impressive footsteps of my parents. As my career advanced, I found myself working for unhealthy leaders and morphing into an unhealthy person as a result. I found myself pigeon-holed and misunderstood because of being asked to function in work that was draining, simply because I was competent. I felt stuck. Maybe you feel the same: stuck fulfilling the assignments requested, but dreaming of the day you can embrace your true calling and passion.

Then, my own life and leadership were transformed when I discovered that everything rises and falls on self-awareness and my ability to harness that knowledge for others. This has ignited a passion in me to equip others in knowing themselves to lead themselves which provides the foundation for becoming a leader worth following, building healthy teams, and creating an organization people want to work for. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, a solopreneur, or a leader of 1 or 1000, I want to help you become a leader people want to follow, not one they have to follow.

Masi Willis
Legacy & Leadership Coach



We will unpack multiple aspects of your leadership, helping you understand yourself better, and equipping you to use that awareness, making you more effective at everything you do.


From the strengths that propel your team, to the weaknesses that undermine them, we will teach and equip you with the tools you need to lead your people to a healthier culture, and more effective outcomes.


Using our extensive network of partnerships, we’ll identify and engage experts to help you maximize effectiveness, strategy, and experiences for people and teams.



  • "Working with Masi Willis has been groundbreaking for our team communication both in business and our personal lives. We have essentially learned a new language which generates better discussions and decisions across the board. This language allows us to be highly self-aware and at the same time very empathetic to our peers, friends and loved ones. We truly believe this type of leadership and character training is and will always be instrumental, not only as business leaders, but as human beings."

    Jake Reid
    General Manager
    Hesselbein Tire

  • "The Mason Effect has provided our team with actionable information that we practice and are experiencing the results. With this one-of-a-kind leadership training, we have been challenged, transformed, vulnerable, and seeing results. Fine, truly recommends Masi for anyone looking to empower their team and see true leadership growth within your company."

    Nathaniel Keylon
    Director of Training and Development
    Fine Airport Parking

  • “Our company engaged Masi to help us work on fostering better connection and communication between employees and she simply delivered. She’s the consummate professional that exudes authenticity and expertise in this field, I'd highly recommend her as a resource to companies of any shape and size. Our employees felt the impact immediately after our first workshop under Masi’s leadership and are excited at continuing the exercise for the betterment of understanding one another.”

    Kyle Korelishn


    Bread n’ Butter Content Studio

  • “Our company hired The Mason Effect of a team development workshop. The facilitator, Masi Willis, commanded the room. We received a plethora of comments from our team about how much they enjoyed her and how helpful the 5 Voices language is going to be for our team. She had us prepare with pre-work before our meeting which helped shape the entire session. I highly recommend her.”

    Steak Shapiro

    Founder | CEO

    Bread n’ Butter Content Studio

  • "The 1:1 coaching and encouragement for me was crucial in helping guide my career alignment decisions. Because of her intentional investment, I feel equipped with the tools and knowledge to chart out my future goals both personally and professionally."

    Jordan Hester
    Individual Coaching

  • “I had the pleasure of working with Masi and witnessing firsthand her exceptional dedication and genuine passion for the work. Her commitment to her craft is nothing short of inspiring. Masi brings both sincerity and enthusiasm into the process of leadership coaching, creating an atmosphere of positivity and productivity for our organization. Her authentic approach to team building is both accessible and empowering. I would highly recommend her to any organization that is looking to build a healthy culture and environment that others want to work for.”

    Jackson Butler

    EVP of Production

    Bread n’ Butter Content Studio

  • “The Transforming Team Communication workshop with our team was outstanding. Masi's energy & approach was contagious and provided us with a perspective and tools to communicate better on all levels.”

    Jon Teplow

    Vice President Marketing

    Bread n’ Butter Content Studio

(and the power it has)

We believe teams and whole organizations can be transformed when everyone operates securely in their own voice and learns to value the voices of others. The 5 Voices Assessment is designed to help every individual discover their leadership voice and be empowered to use it effectively. Join the hundreds of thousands of people who have learned about their leadership voice style and how they tend to fight for the highest good in those they lead.